Tuesday 26 April 2016

Two Door Cinema Club - Eat That Up, It's Good For You

For this video a handheld camera is used to film a young couple in one location, their flat. At first they seem like a perfect couple but as the music video progresses they argue and eventually she leaves him to be alone at the end of the video. As far as editing is concerned the video utilises whip pans and the cuts are done during these to make the video seem for the most part one fluid shot. At one point there is a clear cut as everything on screen is black but this is followed up by an even more impressive time lapse continuous rotation. This time lapse takes place during the instrumental section of the song that is far more fast paced than the previous sections of the song, the rotation speeds up as the music speeds which is a very simple yet effective way of making sure the visuals suit the audio. Interestingly the camera remains in pretty much the same location throughout the entire video and just rotates in the same direction for the majority of the music video until at one point it rotates backwards slightly and stops to focus not he young couple having an argument, when the music kicks back in the camera shakes and at the same time we see the man wave his arms angrily as if he has just shouted something, this is a very simple way of emphasising the rhythm of the song.

The video both lies on natural and artificial lighting to give the video a much more realistic feel. Shots set at night use the natural lighting of the sun and the location allows for plenty of sunlight to illuminate their flat, and when it comes to night time artificial lighting is used to illuminate whats needed in their flat, these lights can be seen to show that this lighting is supposed to be realistic and not done for the music video. It could be seen that aspects of the male and female gaze are present in the music video as both the man and woman are seen with very little clothing at some points. However, these shots are not particularly sexualised and appear to be used to add a more natural feel to the video, they are a young couple who live together and have no interference from others of course they're gonna walk round their flat with as much clothing as they like.

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