Tuesday 5 April 2016

Emailcenter Promotional Video

Emailcenter are a company that specialise in making advanced email marketing incredibly simple to use. Using their own unique marketing platform they enable clients to engage with their subscribers via automated, relevant and highly targeted email campaigns. 

The video produced uses the animation style of a retro computer game and this adds a humorous touch the video an allows 'emailcenter' to get across the benefit of using their service in a much more lighthearted way than a lot of other companies would do. They use the levels of the game to show the extent of work which their company can do, including subscriber bars and posting emails to social page at a basic level to using dynamic content on their emails. dynamic content essentially adapts to a viewers preference, this allows companies to advertise specific products at certain types of people based on their internet history.

By the end of the video emailcenter has beaten off the competitors to showcase its place at the top, the end of the video shows the client information needed if people wish to use 'emailcenter'. The video produced is a high impact, humorous presentation that leaves the viewer in no doubt about the benefits of using 'emailcenter' over other competitors. 

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