Thursday 21 April 2016

Music Video Research Questionnaire

The purpose of this questionnaire was to get some quantitative data for my research, I have chosen to use multiple choice questions, a few of them also have an other option, but this kind of data is far easier to analyse and display in charts, this questionnaire has given me a basic understanding of what people are into something I must take into account when making my own music video.

From the results I collected, the two genres which stick out as people favourite are rock and indie, The Front Bottoms fall under the genre of folk punk/indie rock so the song I have chosen words well with my findings.

The majority of people prefer a mixture of both narrative and performance elements in a music video, originally I was planning on having the video purely narrative bad but due to these findings I would like to incorporate some performance elements into the video that work alongside the narrative.

Looking at the pacing of the video, people much prefer a mixture of fast/energetic and slow-paced, those not wanting a mixture seem to prefer a fast and energetic video to a slow-paced one so I will try to make my video fast and energetic for the most part whilst also having slow-paced moments when it suits the song.

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