Monday 11 April 2016


After watching the first draft for the promotional video my clint gave me some short feedback to try and help me improve my video. These were some of the points raised:
  • The first shot is too long and as such can seem a little dull at times, something more dynamic that captures an audience's attention.
  • The shot before the interviews was not necessary.
  • The interviews would be better off being dispersed throughout the video coupled with shots that show location that the students are talking about.
  • The music also needs to be quitter whilst students are speaking as at one points it is hard to pick up what they are saying.
  • More shots of the students actually engaging in activities such as photography or drawing should be used.
  • Titles should also be used to show who students are and the different locations and activities students engaged in whilst on the trip.

After watching the final video, I asked my client to fill out a short questionnaire to gain an understanding of what my client thought of my finished video.

Client Feedback Form

Please answer the following questions using numbers 1-5 (5 being excellent, 3 being average and 1 being poor)

How happy are you with the final product?


How happy are you with our response to the brief?


Would you agree that communication between you and me, the production team, was prompt, clear and concise?


How close is the final product to your expectations?

Any further comments:

The final film shows how fun, engaging and most importantly how much of an impact the Creative Arts annual trip abroad has on the students work, to potential new students, as well as a good reflection for those that went, which is it’s main purpose.

The interviews add a student voice and reflects on the impact of the trip on the students work, this as a result fulfils part of my original brief. It is also filmed to a high quality; the sound quality particularly is outstanding.

You have been resourceful in gathering student work and images to add into the film too which highlights the range of activities we did on the trip, such as the night photography task. Again another big positive.

Overall a good promotional video that delivers with quality footage on nearly all aspects of the original video brief. A very pleasing outcome. Well done and thank you for your hard work.

Improvements that would have benefitted the final production of the video are as follows:

·      The use of font for the subtitles isn’t in keeping with the college branding.
·      The subtitles for the students interviews could have been better designed, such as those used in the Art show video last year that were shown to you.
·      More footage of a range of students, especially at the galleries engaging in the exhibitions.
·      There could have been footage included of Amber Jesson’s Madrid inspired art work too.
·      The beginning of the video could have been more dynamic if a larger range of footage was filmed overall.

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