Tuesday 12 April 2016

Health & Safety

Health & Safety:

While shooting this for the promotional video we had to make sure that we were shooting in a safe environment so that no harm was caused to our crew or to the people involved.
  • When shooting on the streets of Madrid, I had to make sure I was aware of my surroundings so that I didn't knock into anyone or trip over and damage my equipment.
  • When shooting with tripods we had to make sure that they weren't in danger of falling over and hurting someone or breaking something.
  • When recording interviews I had to make sure that the weather was acceptable so that none of the equipment got water damaged and I had to make sure that wires were placed in safe positions so that people didn't trip over them.
  • When shooting in the Reina Sofia and Centro Centro, I had to make sure that I had permission to film on the premises and what kind of filming/photography I could do, I also had to make sure I was aware of my surroundings as I was filming with the general public so there is more of a risk that equipment could be damaged.


For the music used in the promotional video, I had to make sure that it was copyright free music as my video is essentially trying to sell a product, the music I used met these requirements as I simply credited bensound for the music.

All of the people that featured heavily in my promotional video were students of King Edward VI College and therefore have signed forms at the start of the college year o allow themselves to be filmed or photographed in such a way that I have done, as such no talent release forms were needed for this piece of production.

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