Tuesday, 10 May 2016

The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather

The start of the video is a blank screen with the letters THE NBHD, a shortened version of the band's name, this fades out and we are presented with the band sat in their house. Before the title of the song is even shown on screen there are several cuts between the original shot and other imagery, all in time with the drum beat, including a vinyl and a close-up of a girl's face not particularly in focus and a shot of the band silhouetted against a city skyline. These simple and quick cuts create an enigma code, we gain more interest in the video and want to know what all of these shots mean.

When the title of the song appears we can see a shot of the band in a car, this is easily the longest shot of the video and one that the video often comes back to, this shot is like an anchoring point of the video. It actually contradicts the premise of the song 'Sweater Weather' as the weather is quite clearly not sweater weather and instead is a lot nicer. The music video follows the band as they have a good time throughout the city, scenes are shot at both day and night to show that whatever the time the band no how to have a good time somehow. There is also a lot of cuts between the band and a particular woman, she is always lit with low-key lighting which adds a sense of mystery to the woman, which could be why Jesse Rutherford is so interested in the girl. Furthermore, the girl is only ever shown indoors which actually amplifies the idea that "its too cold for you here and now."

When it comes to band identity, The Neighbourhood are known for doing visualettes to accompany their songs, these are usually just a car journey, they have incorporated the car drive into the sweater weather video. Another key aspect to The Neighbourhood's band identity is their black and white approach to pretty much everything they produce, all of their music videos, album artwork and merchandise use a black and white colour scheme, so much so that the mere thought of The Neighbourhood makes me think in black and white for a second. The Neighbourhood's logo, an upside down house, appears in the music video but the first time we see it, it is the right way round before the whole shot is flipped upside down. The camera slowly zooms towards the house as we see various shots similar shots to ones already used. Sweater Weather was the first major single from the band, and definitely the single that made them a lot more well known, because of this I felt they wanted to make a subtle note of this in the video, the whole shot being flipped so that the logo is the right way round, shows that now The Neighbourhood are here for real and they want to identify a band identity using this logo. At the end of the video, we are shown the opening shot if the band sat down in their house, as the camera zooms towards them, the screen fades to white with the logo once more. This is a simple but effective ending for the music video, it happens during the outdo of the song which gets exponentially quieter and as such is quite calming and the visuals amplify this by just being so simple. 

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