Tuesday 12 January 2016

Voice Over Script

I wake up every morning and immediately grab the penny on my bedside table. A simple game of heads or tails to start my day, I've done it for as long as I can remember. Ah, tails it is. I get changed into my black jeans and  a t-shirt that seems clean. I'll ring college to tell them I'm not coming in for some reason, I have a dentist appointment, I'm too drunk, I'm ill, standard excuses. Obviously I'm already smoking and drinking, I will be for the rest of the day. I'll still go to college, just to see who's around, I won't stick around for long, I have better places to be. I'll go for a walk to try and find something to do, theres always something to do. These kids go my college and they never know how to act around me, so I just take their joint from them and flick it at them when I'm finished. I quickly move on, oh I wish I could see the looks on their faces, but I have things to do. Things you just wouldn't want to know. It'll be getting late now and I'll probably already be drunk, I'll stagger home and attempt to get changed before passing out in my bed, ready to do it all again tomorrow.

Sometimes when I wake up and toss my coin, it lands on heads and my day goes very differently. I get changed into my black jeans but decide to wear a shirt and tie, and instead of sunglasses, i'll just wear a normal pair. I'll make my bed and prepare for college. On my way to college, I'll run into some kids I go to college with, they'll offer me weed, they always do, I'll tell them about the latest study I'd read suggesting that marijuana may affect future offspring's susceptibility to heroin, oh I wish I could see the looks on their faces but I have to get to college. I'll try my best at college, it's important for my future that I do well now. On my way home, I'll see people smoking, it's a horrible habit, every cigarette reduces your life by approximately 9 minutes. I'm sure to see someone drinking too, thats even worse, all those toxins could lead to cancer and depression, even one episode of binge drinking can harm your health. After a long day at college, I always need to sleep. My clothes must be folded carefully before I go to bed, I worry far too much of the chance of creases tomorrow.

But one day I woke up and my coin wasn't there, I don't know where it had gone but it just wasn't there. At first I was unsure of what to do, I didn't even know what to wear but I settled on a shirt and black jeans. I attempted to make my bed but felt it wasn't necessary and so made my way to college. I stayed there for a few lessons but decided to leave early, it was only the once and I promised myself I'd catch up when I got home. I went for a walk and ended up running into a few people from my college that I know, they seemed far more comfortable with me than ever before, they still offered me some weed though. This time, I accepted it, having a few tokes before passing it on, it can't do much harm in moderation. It soon got dark and so I went home. I found a few beers in the fridge and decided to treat myself to one. I retired to my bedroom and had a cigarette before going to sleep, I can afford to lose 9 minutes of my life, but I won't be making a habit of it.

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