Tuesday 12 January 2016

Psychoanalysis of Enemy

Enemy is a confusing, emotional and fascinating film taught follows the lives of both Adam Bell and Anthony Claire. Adam is a history teacher at a local college, his days are based on routine, he goes to work, lectures his class and returns home. The first time we meet Adam he is lecturing a class on totalitarian societies, dictatorships and how governments suppress their people, in fact the very first words we hear Adam say are "Control, it's all about control" Adam is introverted, non-social and spends his waking hours grading papers. It seems strange to think of him having a girlfriend, Mary, but their 'relationship' doesn't quite seem like a normal one and mainly consists of emotionless sex after which Mary leaves. As described in his own teachings, Adam has become 'controlled' or 'suppressed' by his own life.

Anthony, on the other hand, may look identical to Adam but his personality is vastly different. He's far more outgoing and assertive and works as an actor rather than a teacher. In comparison to Adam's girlfriend who comes and goes as she pleases, Anthony has a wife, Helen, who is six months pregnant. While Adam lives in a small apartment, Anthony lives in what appears to be a high end condo. One of the first things we learn about Anthony is that he has an appetite for blueberries.

When Adam sees his doppelganger in a film he tracks Anthony down and ends up speaking to Helen on the phone. Helen mistakes him for Anthony and soon after confronts Anthony about the calls, questioning if he was "seeing her again." Her accusation of Anthony's infidelity as well recognising Adam as Anthony on the phone is the first clue towards Adam and Anthony being the same person. The evidence is all there, from their appearances, including the beard and scar on their chest. When they meet one angle makes it appear that they are the mirror image of each other, each standing in the same position with their hands out.

The song in the video store 'The Cheater' eludes to the fact that they are the same person, we know that Anthony has cheated, yet it is Adam we see whilst the song plays. Also early on in the film we see a fascist wall painting just after Adam has taught his lectures on dictatorships, he has set up a dictatorship in his mind in which he must obey. While the whole film steers us in the direction of the conclusion there are two big pieces on information that heavily support this theory. Adam talks to his mother about meeting Anthony and she explicitly tells him that she has one son, who has a good life and should give up the fantasy of being a third rate actor. The second example is Adam's torn photo of himself and we saw the same picture in Anthony's home but this time as a whole picture of him and Helen, Adam's psyche has torn in half just like the picture.

As the plot progresses, the two characters begin to migrate away from their own lives and towards each other's. Adam is suddenly dropped into a strange conspiracy that may be beyond his control and Anthony, who has commitment issues, is in desperate need for an escape. It is because of this Anthony devises a plan to switch places with Adam so he can sleep with Mary. It is at this point in the film where the stakes are laid to determine whether it is Adam or Anthony that will become the dominating personality. 

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