Thursday 7 January 2016

Design Brief

Heads or Tails follows a young man that has two personalities, one a shy, reserved, moralistic, upstanding member of society, the other is a confident, outgoing, unethical rebel. Each morning when he wakes up he flips a coin to determine which personality he will be today. Will he follow his id, pure desire, or is ego, pure morals.

One day something happens so that he does not know the result of the coin toss (coin lands on it's side, coin goes missing after flip, coin isn't even present to begin with etc.) and so must attempt to combine his two personalities into one person, the ego.

Day one he plays the part of the id and as such is disrespectful to his parents and his teachers deciding that instead of going to college he will do what he wants. He wears sunglasses all the time, is always smoking and wears offensive clothing with messy hair.

Day two he plays the part of the super-ego, he is a lot more respectful of everyone he sees, wishing people a good day as he passes them on the street etc. He wears a shirt, tie and glasses

Day three he plays the part of the ego, he is a mixture of both the id and the ego, doing things that the id would but in good measure. He wears a shirt.

Id (always smoking and drinking)

  • Wakes up
  • Coing grab
  • Coin toss
  • Coin reveal
  • Gets dressed into skinny jeans, baggy t-shirt and sunglasses
  • Rings college to tell them he's not going in (close-up)
  • Stood outside of college (long-shot)
  • Looks around and then walks off (mid-shot and pan)
  • Finds group of teenagers smoking weed, takes it of them and drops cigarette (mid-shot)
  • Puts out cigarette with shoe (close-up)
  • Finishes joint and flicks it at teenagers (mid-shot) 
  • Walks off (long-shot)
  • Teenagers look confused (mid-shot)
  • Walks through front door (mid-shot)
  • Walks through bedroom door (mid-shot and match on action with previous door)
  • Throws off sunglasses and t-shirt and crashes on bed (mid-shot)
  • Wakes up
  • Coin grab
  • Coin toss
  • Coin reveal
  • Gets dressed into shirt and tie and glasses
  • Makes his bed and prepares for college 
  • Walks into college, teenagers stood to the side of the gate (longshot)
  • Teenagers offer him some weed (midshot, match on action between three shots)
  • Walks into college (longshot)
  • Walks home and sees someone smoking and drinking (longshot)
  • Smoking and drinking (close-up)
  • Walks through front door (mid-shot)
  • Walks through bedroom door (mid-shot and match on action with previous door)
  • Carefully removes glasses and folds clothes (close-up and mid-shots)
  • Goes to bed (mid-shot)
  • Wakes up
  • Goes to grab coin but it's not there
  • Gets dressed into skinnies, shirt and sunglasses but decides against sunglasses
  • Half makes his bed
  • Goes to college but decides to leave after a few lessons
  • Meets up with teenagers
  • Offered some on a spliff and accepts it but comments that he won't have much
  • Goes home
  • Walks through front door (mid-shot)
  • Walks through bedroom door (mid-shot and match on action with previous door)
  • Decides to have a beer and cigarette but comments that its a college night and he has to be up early in the morning and so turns off his light

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