Sunday 20 September 2015

Basic Shot Types Video Essay

Basic Shot Types from Jakob Morrison on Vimeo.


The final video produced is fairly effective in showing and explaining different shot types. I struggled with this to start with because I was unsure on how to go about the task but once I had an idea of what I wanted my final video to be like I hit the road and didn't look back.

Problem Solving

Working within a group to record our original footage was probably the hardest part of the task mainly because we weren't a very organised team, to combat our team's lack of organisation I filmed a few shot in my own time.

Justification of Decisions

This video was produced to show the basic shot types with a brief explanation for each shot. I have provided my own example as well as a cinematic example to show why such a shot type might be used when.


I would definitely re-shoot the high angle shot, the tracking shot and the dreaded reverse zoom dolly, the example given was terrible and as such I provided the best cinematic example I could think of, the classic Jaws zolly shot. I would also cut down my cinematic example of the extreme close-up because it is slightly too long, although i feel this makes my audience uncomfortable just as the extreme close-up was intended to do.

Cinematic Examples:
Jurrasic World
Iron Man
La Haine
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Blair Witch Project
Iron Man 2
Fish Tank

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