Monday 5 October 2015

The Conversation

The Conversation from Jakob Morrison on Vimeo.


The final video produced is pretty well made considering we had roughly four hours to plan, film and edit the piece. I believe it shows a mixture of the techniques we have learnt so far including lighting, focus, and editing skills. I struggled working in a group as we are all unorganised people and a mix of this really doesn't go down well with such a short time frame. However, we managed to save the final video through the editing which was definitely our biggest strength.

Problem Solving

Working within a group to record our original footage was probably the hardest part of the task mainly because we weren't a very organised team, to combat our team's lack of organisation I essentially took the helm and told the team to go out and reshoot certain shots whilst I started on the editing.

Justification of Decisions

This video was produced to show what kind of thing we can produce within four hours to work, it displays our skills so far and I think with slightly more time we could have shown off what we have learnt a lot more.


To improve this video I would add in some more shots so that it is more obvious what the narrative is actually about, I believe we have done a good job of capturing what we intended but I still feel like the audience wouldn't necessarily decode the preferred reading.

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