Thursday 8 October 2015

About You Music Video


The final video produced is pretty well made considering it was done in about four hairs, the point of this task was to show our skills when it comes to editing on the beat. I struggled at first but after properly thinking about it I got on with the task and thoroughly enjoyed it. Editing is one of my favourite aspects of media production and also what I am best at it in my personal opinion so this was definitely a task that allowed me to improve my skills.

Problem Solving

The hardest part of the task was getting my head round cutting precisely with the music but I decided to use what I know best and so focused on the numbers side of things. I figured out how much frames were in between each particular beat and from there figured out how many frames I need to cut out from my stock footage.

Justification of Decisions

This video was produced to show what kind of thing we can produce using basic on the beat editing. There is a crazy static background throughout the whole video, the second layer consists of the the spirals when the female vocals come in and the match when the vocals are dramatically slowed down. The third layer consisted of the green ink drops in water, these were used for the first time the secondary beat is introduced. Later when a new beat is introduced I have used the erratic sparks to display that the music has suddenly picked up in pace. On top of this the wolf is used for the dull drum beat with the spot dancing to the beat of the music reaching out on the snare and swelling on the dull drum beat. I also used an owl winking for the small beep that can be heard every so often.


To improve this video I would try and incorporate a narrative into it but for the task, I just wanted to produce a simple music video that displayed my skills and passion for editing and specifically music video production.

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