Tuesday 23 February 2016

Design Brief

The promotional video should highlight the creative arts faculty and the student engagement in the trip. It should demonstrate how enriching and rewarding trips abroad are for students and the multiple activities that take place.

In your filming I would like you to include the following:

* Student interviews about the trip (at least 2 interviews) with good quality sound.
* Film visits to the galleries
* Film other activities the students participate in during the trip
* An honest portrayal of the trip abroad from a student perspective
* Students happy and smiling
* Students filming, taking photographs or drawing in Madrid, to demonstrate them working on location and the impact of the trip to their work.
* Some stock footage of Madrid street scenes and landscapes. Creative shots of the main locations visited in Madrid.

You will be successful in the brief if you can film and edit a final promotional film about the Madrid trip. The video should be between 90seconds and 3minutes long.

If you have any further questions of queries please email me: jaskirt.boora@kecnuneaton.ac.uk

I look forward to seeing some of the footage you attain. I would like the first edit to be completed and viewed for Wednesday 24th February 2016.

Jaskirt Boora

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